Retainers and Aftercare in Kent

What are Retainers and Aftercare?

At Aligndent Ashford, we provide top-notch retainers crafted to maintain the recent alignment of teeth after treatment, preventing any regression to their original positions. Our experienced dentist offers valuable guidance for post-treatment care, enhancing the effectiveness of retainers and ensuring the prolonged straightness of your teeth.

Committing to orthodontic treatment requires significant dedication, and our goal is to support you in preserving the optimal results achieved through your committed efforts.

Benefits of Retainers and Aftercare

  • Maintain teeth alignment: Retainers are essential in maintaining the correct alignment of your teeth after completing orthodontic treatment.
  • Long-lasting retainers: Following aftercare instructions contributes to the durability and optimal functionality of your retainers.
  • Prevent relapse: Retainers serve as a preventive measure, preventing teeth from reverting to their initial positions.
  • Sustain orthodontic progress: Regular aftercare check-ups with your orthodontist are crucial for sustaining the progress made during orthodontic treatment and ensuring the ongoing proper fit of your retainers.

If you have any questions about retainers or aftercare, feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist you. Alternatively, we can arrange a consultation where our orthodontists can address any inquiries or concerns you may have.

Aligndent Grove House’s Approach

At first, we’ll perform an initial dental evaluation to determine if orthodontic treatment is necessary. Following that, we’ll schedule routine check-ups to proactively manage any potential issues, aiming to maintain your long-term oral health.

Prices start at £150

See Our Fee Guide


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